Anspoki × Other titles Type Tautā lietotais Paralēlais Vēsturiskais Name Description Image ( 4 ) Person ( 3 ) Organisation ( 1 ) Text unit ( 1 ) ID1072825 NameAnspoki TypeVillage AddressAnspoki, Preiļu pagasts, Preiļu novads Platums56.26694489 Garums26.76000023 PrecizitāteKartēts precīzi Descriptionmazciems ExistingExisting Pievienots1514906149 Updated1703197895 Map × Showing 1-4 of 4 items. #ThumbnailNumberTitleYearImage authorType of imageType of link No Yes Place in picture Place 12020-4305aThe folklore informant Bronislava Volonte1978ImagePlace 22020-4470aPēteris Volonts1978ImagePlace 32020-4486aThe folklore informant Pāvels Kalvišs1978ImagePlace 42020-4698aSalimeja Sondore1978ImagePlace Showing 1-4 of 4 items. Showing 1-3 of 3 items. #NameOccupationEvent timeType of linkDescription administrators/administratore lawyer agronomist actor/actress altists/altiste alto craftsman/craftswoman anatomist animator anthropologist apgaitnieks/apgaitniece attendant cleaner aranžētājs/aranžētāja archeologist architect archivist archivist doctor astronomer poetry translator weaver nurse autors/autore ballet dancer baletmeistars/baletmeistare bārddzinis/bārddzine baritone basketball player bass bass baritone bibliographer librarian biogrāfs/biogrāfe biologist beekeeper bloger boxer brigade leader drummer typesetter propman/propwoman čellists/čelliste builder road worker censor circus artist pig-tender nature scientist applied arts master dalībnieks/dalībniece gardener gardener computer art designer dance critic dancer deju iestudētājs/deju iestudētāja dance group leader deputy duty officer diplomat principal conductor designer docent play writer tailor poet singer dziednieks/dziedniece economist expeditor electrician organist essayist aesthetist ethnographer ethnologist ethnomusicologist evangelist fagotists/fagotiste pharmacist filatētists/filatētiste philologist philosopher financier physicist flutist folklore researcher folk performer folklore collector folklorist photographer hairdresser gaismotājs/gaismotāja gaismu mākslinieks/gaismu māksliniece carpenter shepherd priest genetic geodesist geographer geologist ģērbējs/ģērbēja guide painter graphic artist publisher book seller bookbinder account manager book scholar grima mākslinieks/grima māksliniece make-up artist duke/duchess choreographer clerk illustrator information specialist IT specialist instructor engineer publisher izrādes vadītājs/izrādes vadītāja lawyer sailor blacksmith servant/maid chaplain soldier caricaturist cartographer ceramicist chemist kino materiāla režisors/kino materiāla režisore film critic cameraman film director film script writer cinema scientist ķirurgs/ķirurģe klarnetists/klarnetiste collector group leader collective farmer colporteur comedian composer koncertmeistars/koncertmeistare consultant kontrabasists/kontrabasiste kontralts kontrtenors chorus singer proofreader kostīmu mākslinieks/kostīmu māksliniece critic innkeeper cultural worker cultural historian curator shoemaker movement director laboratory assistant farmer agricultural worker lieutenant lexicographer lecturer leļļu mākslinieks/leļļu māksliniece puppet master leļļu režija librettist aviator writer literary critic literary historian literary scholar cattle breeder pastor maģistra darba vadītājs/maģistra darba vadītāja housewife home teacher/governess layout designer art critic art historian art scientist artistic director mākslinieka asistents/mākslinieka asistente artist masseur mašīnrakstītājs/mašīnrakstītāja mathematician member of Latvian H4 maecenas mecosoprāns nurse doctor hunter mechanic meliorators/melioratore manager mayor/mayoress pedagogue mežaraga spēlētājs/mežraga spēlētāja forester forester mežzinis/mežzine microbiologist military minister missionary customs officer nobleman/noblewoman monk/nun mason museum employee museum specialist musician mūzikas autors/mūzikas autore master of musical instruments music critic music publicist music historian music scientist musician musicologist carpenter nespējnieks/nespējniece researcher of local history obojists/obojiste opera singer cameraman ornithologist parapsychologist sales-man/sales-woman parūku mākslinieks/parūku māksliniece event host postman/postwoman cook educator pensioner perkusionists/perkusioniste researcher pianist pirotehniķis/pirotehniķe rafter policeman/policewoman polygraphist political activist politician politologist chief chairman/chairwoman priest producer professor programmer projektu vadītājs/projektu vadītāja prose writer psychologist publicist farm worker/maid poultry farmer employee at radio radiomontieris/radiomontiere radio journalist author rakstvedis/rakstvede editor bookkeeper rector historian of religion coach režisora asistents/režisora asistente director craftsman/craftswoman industrialist public employee public relations specialist chess-player šahtinieks/šahtiniece owner saksofonists/saksofoniste sanitarian guard satirist script writer stage designer secretary janitor sound engineer sound engineer skaņu mākslinieks/skaņu māksliniece sound producer skaņu režisors/skaņu režisore pupil teacher skrīveris/skrīvere milker nurse sociologist driver soprāns athlete storyteller statistician stylist worker student prompter sewer/seamstress folk musician economist employee at theatre theatre superior theater critic theatre researcher theatre scientist textile artist telegrāfists/telegrāfiste sculptor/sculptress tenors theologian tipogrāfs/tipogrāfe merchant trader/tradeswoman tractor driver coach trombonists/tromboniste trompetists/trompetiste tubas spēlētājs/tubas spēlētāja translator translator fireman/firefighter businessman/businesswoman chief vaļenieks/vaļeniece linguist charmer midwife washerman/washerwoman cyclist historian veterinary videomākslinieks/videomāksliniece waiter/waitress violinist farmer fortune-teller scientist zintnieks/zintniece dentist zootechnician newspaper editor journalist fisherman Birth time/place Residence Place/time of death Deported Emigrated Buried Education Working place Travelled Service Detention Awards Participation in organisations Memorials Museums Pārapbedīts Evacuate Dalība notikumos 1Aloizs Anspakspriestpoetpublicistcomposer1911 - 1915EducationMācījies Anspoku tautskolā. 2Natālija Gilučateacherauthoreducator1926 - 1930Birth time/placeEducationMācījusies Anspoku četrklasīgajā pamatskolā. 3Pēteris Gilučsteacherjournalistauthorfolklore collector1922Birth time/placeEducation Showing 1-3 of 3 items. Showing 1-1 of 1 item. #TitleOther namesOrganisation typeTime in placeType of link Academic organisation Archives Arodbiedrības Associations Banks Children and youth organisations Cinemas Concert hall Courts Culture centers Foundations Fraternity Group International organisations Internet Kultūras pārraudzības iestādes Libraries Mākslinieciskie kolektīvi Mākslinieku apvienības Ministries and Parliament Museums Opera Organisation Partijas un politiskās apvienības Periodicals Police Political organisation Politiskās un pretošanās kustības Professional organisation Public organization Publishing houses Radio Reliģiskās organizācijas Sabiedriskās kustības Saimnieciskas organizācijas Schools and pre-schools Scientific institutions Student corporation Theaters Trimdas latviešu organizācijas TV Universities 1Anspoku pamatskolaSchools and pre-schoolsLocation Showing 1-1 of 1 item. Showing 1-1 of 1 item. #NumberDate of recordingType of linkExcerpt Mentioned in the text Place and time of recording Place of hearing Published 1#LFK 737, 11925Place and time of recording Showing 1-1 of 1 item.