Skolas iela 12, Rīga × Other titles Type Tautā lietotais Paralēlais Vēsturiskais Name Description Person ( 1 ) ID1918747 NameSkolas iela 12, Rīga TypeStreet Platums56.95701400 Garums24.11778000 PrecizitāteKartēts precīzi ExistingNav zināma Pievienots1703674518 Updated1703674518 Map × Showing 1-1 of 1 item. #NameOccupationEvent timeType of linkDescription administrators/administratore lawyer agronomist actor/actress altists/altiste alto craftsman/craftswoman anatomist animator anthropologist apgaitnieks/apgaitniece attendant cleaner aranžētājs/aranžētāja archeologist architect archivist archivist doctor astronomer poetry translator weaver nurse autors/autore ballet dancer baletmeistars/baletmeistare bārddzinis/bārddzine baritone basketball player bass bass baritone bibliographer librarian biogrāfs/biogrāfe biologist beekeeper bloger boxer brigade leader drummer typesetter propman/propwoman čellists/čelliste builder road worker censor circus artist pig-tender nature scientist applied arts master dalībnieks/dalībniece gardener gardener computer art designer dance critic dancer deju iestudētājs/deju iestudētāja dance group leader deputy duty officer diplomat principal conductor designer docent play writer tailor poet singer dziednieks/dziedniece economist expeditor electrician organist essayist aesthetist ethnographer ethnologist ethnomusicologist evangelist fagotists/fagotiste pharmacist filatētists/filatētiste philologist philosopher financier physicist flutist folklore researcher folk performer folklore collector folklorist photographer hairdresser gaismotājs/gaismotāja gaismu mākslinieks/gaismu māksliniece carpenter shepherd priest genetic geodesist geographer geologist ģērbējs/ģērbēja guide painter graphic artist publisher book seller bookbinder account manager book scholar grima mākslinieks/grima māksliniece make-up artist duke/duchess choreographer clerk illustrator information specialist IT specialist instructor engineer publisher izrādes vadītājs/izrādes vadītāja lawyer sailor blacksmith servant/maid chaplain soldier caricaturist cartographer ceramicist chemist kino materiāla režisors/kino materiāla režisore film critic cameraman film director film script writer cinema scientist ķirurgs/ķirurģe klarnetists/klarnetiste collector group leader collective farmer colporteur comedian composer koncertmeistars/koncertmeistare consultant kontrabasists/kontrabasiste kontralts kontrtenors chorus singer proofreader kostīmu mākslinieks/kostīmu māksliniece critic innkeeper cultural worker cultural historian curator shoemaker movement director laboratory assistant farmer agricultural worker lieutenant lexicographer lecturer leļļu mākslinieks/leļļu māksliniece puppet master leļļu režija librettist aviator writer literary critic literary historian literary scholar cattle breeder pastor maģistra darba vadītājs/maģistra darba vadītāja housewife home teacher/governess layout designer art critic art historian art scientist artistic director mākslinieka asistents/mākslinieka asistente artist masseur mašīnrakstītājs/mašīnrakstītāja mathematician member of Latvian H4 maecenas mecosoprāns nurse doctor hunter mechanic meliorators/melioratore manager mayor/mayoress pedagogue mežaraga spēlētājs/mežraga spēlētāja forester forester mežzinis/mežzine microbiologist military minister missionary customs officer nobleman/noblewoman monk/nun mason museum employee museum specialist musician mūzikas autors/mūzikas autore master of musical instruments music critic music publicist music historian music scientist musician musicologist carpenter nespējnieks/nespējniece researcher of local history obojists/obojiste opera singer cameraman ornithologist parapsychologist sales-man/sales-woman parūku mākslinieks/parūku māksliniece event host postman/postwoman cook educator pensioner perkusionists/perkusioniste researcher pianist pirotehniķis/pirotehniķe rafter policeman/policewoman polygraphist political activist politician politologist chief chairman/chairwoman priest producer professor programmer projektu vadītājs/projektu vadītāja prose writer psychologist publicist farm worker/maid poultry farmer employee at radio radiomontieris/radiomontiere radio journalist author rakstvedis/rakstvede editor bookkeeper rector historian of religion coach režisora asistents/režisora asistente director craftsman/craftswoman industrialist public employee public relations specialist chess-player šahtinieks/šahtiniece owner saksofonists/saksofoniste sanitarian guard satirist script writer stage designer secretary janitor sound engineer sound engineer skaņu mākslinieks/skaņu māksliniece sound producer skaņu režisors/skaņu režisore pupil teacher skrīveris/skrīvere milker nurse sociologist driver soprāns athlete storyteller statistician stylist worker student prompter sewer/seamstress folk musician economist employee at theatre theatre superior theater critic theatre researcher theatre scientist textile artist telegrāfists/telegrāfiste sculptor/sculptress tenors theologian tipogrāfs/tipogrāfe merchant trader/tradeswoman tractor driver coach trombonists/tromboniste trompetists/trompetiste tubas spēlētājs/tubas spēlētāja translator translator fireman/firefighter businessman/businesswoman chief vaļenieks/vaļeniece linguist charmer midwife washerman/washerwoman cyclist historian veterinary videomākslinieks/videomāksliniece waiter/waitress violinist farmer fortune-teller scientist zintnieks/zintniece dentist zootechnician newspaper editor journalist fisherman Birth time/place Residence Place/time of death Deported Emigrated Buried Education Working place Travelled Service Detention Awards Participation in organisations Memorials Museums Pārapbedīts Evacuate Dalība notikumos 1Ludmila HeidemanepharmacistTo1942Working place Showing 1-1 of 1 item.